%macro pseudo_rsq(log_lh=, log_lh_i=, k=, obs=); proc iml; value = 1-((&log_lh.)/&log_lh_i.); /* cox_snell_rsq = 1 - (&log_lh_i./&log_lh.)##(2/&obs.);*/ title "McFadden's R-Squared"; print value; title; quit; %mend; %macro rsq(data = , p=); %let open_d = %sysfunc (open(&data.)); %let obs = %sysfunc(attrn(&open_d., nobs)); %let close_d = %sysfunc(close(&open_d.)); proc iml; use &data.; read all var _all_; close &data.; SSres = sum((rri-pred)##2); /* SSt = sum(rri##2) - &obs.#(mean(rri)##2);*/ sst = sum((rri-mean(rri))##2); ADJ_R_SQ = 1 - ((ssres/(&obs.-&p.)) / (sst/(&obs.-1))); print ADJ_R_SQ; quit; %mend; %macro meta_rr(data = , ai = , bi = , ci = , di = ,references=); data new_data dorp_data; set &data.; if &ai. = 0 or &bi. = 0 or &ci. = 0 or &di. = 0 then do; output dorp_data; delete; end; if ai = bi and ci = di then do; output dorp_data; delete; end; output new_data; run; proc iml; use new_data; read all var _all_; close new_data; %let open_d = %sysfunc (open(new_data)); %let obs_ = %sysfunc(attrn(&open_d., nobs)); %let close_d = %sysfunc(close(&open_d.)); %let obs_1 = %sysevalf(&obs_ - 1); n1 = &ai.+&ci.; n2 = &bi.+&di.; m1 = &ai.+&bi.; m2 = &ci.+&di.; N_total = &ai. +&bi.+&ci.+&di.; /*99% 2.576*/ eer = &ai. / n1; /*98% 2.326*/ cer = &bi. / n2; nnt = 1/abs(eer-cer); nnt_ci_l = 1/((eer-cer)+1.96*sqrt((eer#(1-eer)/n1)+(cer#(1-cer)/n2))); nnt_ci_u = 1/((eer-cer)-1.96*sqrt((eer#(1-eer)/n1)+(cer#(1-cer)/n2))); nnh = 1/abs(eer-cer); nnh_ci_l = 1/((eer-cer)+1.96*sqrt((eer#(1-eer)/n1)+(cer#(1-cer)/n2))); nnh_ci_u = 1/((eer-cer)-1.96*sqrt((eer#(1-eer)/n1)+(cer#(1-cer)/n2))); /*RR*/ pti = &ai./(&ai.+&ci.); pci = &bi./(&bi.+&di.); rri = pti/pci; ln_rri = log(rri); var_ln_rri = (1-pti)/(n1#pti) + (1-pci)/(n2#pci); wi = 1/var_ln_rri; rr_pooled = exp(sum(wi#log(rri))/sum(wi)); se_ln_rr_pooled = sqrt(1/(sum(wi))); se_ln_rr=((1-pti)/(&ai.+&ci.)/pti+(1-pci)/(&bi.+&di.)/pci)##0.5; rri_ci_l = exp(log(rri)-(1.96#se_ln_rr)); rri_ci_u = exp(log(rri)+(1.96#se_ln_rr)); rr_pooled_ci_l = exp(log(rr_pooled)-(1.96#se_ln_rr_pooled)); rr_pooled_ci_u = exp(log(rr_pooled)+(1.96#se_ln_rr_pooled)); print rri rri_ci_l rri_ci_u rr_pooled rr_pooled_ci_l rr_pooled_ci_u se_ln_rr_pooled ; Zrr = log(rr_pooled)/se_ln_rr_pooled; /*ho: rr=1 reject h0 if |zrr|>=1.96*/ /* zrr_pv2 = 1 - cdf("Normal", Zrr); */ zrr_pv = (1-probnorm(abs(Zrr)))#2; print zrr zrr_pv; Qrr = sum(wi#((log(rri)-log(rr_pooled))##2));/*ho: rr1=rr2....=rr reject h0 qrr_pv>qrr_pv_005*/ /* qrr_pv_005 = cinv(0.95, 8);*/ qrr_pv = (1-probchi(Qrr, &obs_1.)); print Qrr qrr_pv; i2 = (Qrr - &obs_1.)/ qrr; print i2; /* Random Effect */ t_2 = max(0, (Qrr-(&obs_1.)) / (sum(wi)- (sum(wi##2)) /sum(wi))) ; wi_ = 1/(var_ln_rri+t_2); theta_ = sum(wi_#rri) / sum(wi_); se_theta_ = 1 / sqrt(sum(wi_)); theta__ci_l = theta_ - 1.96 # se_theta_; theta__ci_u = theta_ + 1.96 # se_theta_; r_pooled_rr = exp(sum(wi_#log(rri))/sum(wi_)); se_r_pooled_rr = 1 / sqrt(sum(wi_)); r_pooled_rr_ci_l = r_pooled_rr - 1.96#se_r_pooled_rr; r_pooled_rr_ci_u = r_pooled_rr + 1.96#se_r_pooled_rr; print t_2 wi_ theta_ se_theta_ theta__ci_l theta__ci_u ; print r_pooled_rr se_r_pooled_rr r_pooled_rr_ci_l r_pooled_rr_ci_u; /*theta_的有效性檢驗, h0 : theta_ =0 */ utheta_ = ((sum(wi_ # rri))##2 ) / sum(wi_); utheta__pv = (1-probchi(utheta_, 1)); zutheta_ = theta_ / se_theta_; zutheta__pv = (1-probnorm(abs(zutheta_)))#2; print utheta_ utheta__pv zutheta_ zutheta__pv; median_ln_rri = median(ln_rri); wi_pct = wi/sum(wi); sum_w = sum(wi_pct); create output var {rri rri_ci_l rri_ci_u rr_pooled rr_pooled_ci_l rr_pooled_ci_u se_ln_rr zrr Qrr qrr_pv ln_rri wi n1 n2 median_ln_rri i2 wi_pct wi_}; append; close output; GroupId =3; create pooled var {rr_pooled rr_pooled_ci_l rr_pooled_ci_u GroupId}; append; close output; create ran_pooled var {r_pooled_rr r_pooled_rr_ci_l r_pooled_rr_ci_u GroupId}; append; close output; quit;title; data output2; merge output new_data; obs = _n_; GroupId = 1; run; data output3; set output2 pooled (rename=(RR_POOLED=rri rr_pooled_ci_l=rri_ci_l rr_pooled_ci_u=rri_ci_u)) ran_pooled (rename=(r_pooled_rr=rri r_pooled_rr_ci_l=rri_ci_l r_pooled_rr_ci_u=rri_ci_u)); if _n_ = &obs_.+1 then &references. = "Pooled_F"; if _n_ = &obs_.+2 then &references. = "Pooled_R"; run; proc sgplot data = output2; HIGHLOW y=obs HIGH=rri_ci_u LOW=rri_ci_l / close = rri ; REFLINE 1 / label = "1" AXIS= X; yaxis REVERSE; quit; proc print data = output2(keep = &references. rri rri_ci_u rri_ci_l); run; /* proc sgplot data = output2; STEP x = obs y= wi / DATALABEL = wi; quit; */ proc sgplot data = output2; scatter y = se_ln_rr x = ln_rri / datalabel = obs; yaxis REVERSE; refline median_ln_rri / axis = x; quit; %mend; %macro meta_or(data = , ai = , bi = , ci = , di = ,references=); data new_data dorp_data; set &data.; if &ai. = 0 or &bi. = 0 or &ci. = 0 or &di. = 0 then do; output dorp_data; delete; end; if ai = bi and ci = di then do; output dorp_data; delete; end; output new_data; run; proc iml; use new_data; read all var _all_; close new_data; %let open_d = %sysfunc (open(new_data)); %let obs_ = %sysfunc(attrn(&open_d., nobs)); %let close_d = %sysfunc(close(&open_d.)); %let obs_1 = %sysevalf(&obs_ - 1); n1 = &ai.+&ci.; n2 = &bi.+&di.; m1 = &ai.+&bi.; m2 = &ci.+&di.; N_total = &ai. +&bi.+&ci.+&di.; /*99% 2.576*/ eer = &ai. / n1; /*98% 2.326*/ cer = &bi. / n2; nnt = 1/abs(eer-cer); nnt_ci_l = 1/((eer-cer)+1.96*sqrt((eer#(1-eer)/n1)+(cer#(1-cer)/n2))); nnt_ci_u = 1/((eer-cer)-1.96*sqrt((eer#(1-eer)/n1)+(cer#(1-cer)/n2))); nnh = 1/abs(eer-cer); nnh_ci_l = 1/((eer-cer)+1.96*sqrt((eer#(1-eer)/n1)+(cer#(1-cer)/n2))); nnh_ci_u = 1/((eer-cer)-1.96*sqrt((eer#(1-eer)/n1)+(cer#(1-cer)/n2))); /*OR*/ oddsti = &ai./&ci.; oddsci = &bi./&di.; ori = oddsti/oddsci; /*Woolf's Logit estimate of OR*/ var_ln_ori = 1/&ai. + 1/&bi. + 1/&ci. + 1/&di.; wi = 1 / var_ln_ori; ln_orw = sum(wi#log(ori))/sum(wi); orw = exp(ln_orw); ln_ori = log(ori); se_ln_or = sqrt(var_ln_ori); ln_ori_ci_l = ln_ori - 1.96#sqrt(var_ln_ori); ln_ori_ci_u = ln_ori + 1.96#sqrt(var_ln_ori); ori_ci_l = exp(ln_ori_ci_l); ori_ci_u = exp(ln_ori_ci_u); orw_ci_l = exp(ln_orw-1.96#sqrt(1/sum(wi))); orw_ci_u = exp(ln_orw+1.96#sqrt(1/sum(wi))); print ori ori_ci_l ori_ci_u ln_ori ln_ori_ci_l ln_ori_ci_u orw orw_ci_l orw_ci_u; /* orw顯著性 h0:ORw=OR0 (e.g. or0=1)*/ or0=1; Uw = sum(wi)#((ln_orw-log(or0))##2); Uw_pv = (1-probchi(Uw, 1)); print Uw Uw_pv; /*ori同質性檢定 H0: or1=or2=...=or*/ Qw = sum(wi#(log(ori)##2)) - sum(wi)#(ln_orw##2); Qw_pv = (1-probchi(Qw, &obs_1.)); print Qw Qw_pv; i2 = (qw - &obs_1. )/ qw; print i2; /* Random Effect */ t_2 = max(0, (Qw-(&obs_1.)) / (sum(wi)- (sum(wi##2)) /sum(wi))) ; wi_ = 1/(var_ln_ori+t_2); theta_ = sum(wi_#ori) / sum(wi_); se_theta_ = 1 / sqrt(sum(wi_)); theta__ci_l = theta_ - 1.96 # se_theta_; theta__ci_u = theta_ + 1.96 # se_theta_; r_pooled_or = exp(sum(wi_#log(ori))/sum(wi_)); se_r_pooled_or = 1 / sqrt(sum(wi_)); r_pooled_or_ci_l = r_pooled_or - 1.96#se_r_pooled_or; r_pooled_or_ci_u = r_pooled_or + 1.96#se_r_pooled_or; print t_2 wi_ theta_ se_theta_ theta__ci_l theta__ci_u ; print r_pooled_or se_r_pooled_or r_pooled_or_ci_l r_pooled_or_ci_u; /*theta_的有效性檢驗, h0 : theta_ =0 */ utheta_ = ((sum(wi_ # ori))##2 ) / sum(wi_); utheta__pv = (1-probchi(utheta_, 1)); zutheta_ = theta_ / se_theta_; zutheta__pv = (1-probnorm(abs(zutheta_)))#2; print utheta_ utheta__pv zutheta_ zutheta__pv; median_ln_ori = median(ln_ori); wi_pct = wi/sum(wi); create output var { i2 ori ori_ci_l ori_ci_u ln_ori ln_ori_ci_l ln_ori_ci_u orw orw_ci_l orw_ci_u se_ln_or Uw Uw_pv Qw Qw_pv wi median_ln_ori n1 n2 wi_pct wi_}; append; close output; GroupId=3; create pooled var {orw orw_ci_l orw_ci_u GroupId}; append; close output; create ran_pooled var {r_pooled_or r_pooled_or_ci_l r_pooled_or_ci_u GroupId}; append; close output; quit;title; data output2; merge output new_data; obs = _n_; GroupId = 1; run; data output3; set output2 pooled (rename=(orw=ori orw_ci_l=ori_ci_l orw_ci_u=ori_ci_u)) ran_pooled (rename=(r_pooled_or=ori r_pooled_or_ci_l=ori_ci_l r_pooled_or_ci_u=ori_ci_u)); if _n_ = &obs_.+1 then &references. = "Pooled_F"; if _n_ = &obs_.+2 then &references. = "Pooled_R"; run; proc sgplot data = output2; HIGHLOW y=obs HIGH=ori_ci_u LOW=ori_ci_l / close = ori; REFLINE 1 / label = "1" AXIS= X; yaxis REVERSE; quit; proc print data = output2(keep = &references. ori ori_ci_u ori_ci_l); run; /* proc sgplot data = output2; STEP x = obs y= wi_or / DATALABEL = wi_or; quit; */ proc sgplot data = output2; scatter y = se_ln_or x = ln_ori / datalabel = obs; yaxis REVERSE; refline median_ln_ori / axis = x; quit; %mend; %macro meta_rd(data = , ai = , bi = , ci = , di = ,references=); data new_data dorp_data; set &data.; if ai = 0 and bi = 0 then do; output dorp_data; delete; end; if ai = bi and ci = di then do; output dorp_data; delete; end; output new_data; run; proc iml; use new_data; read all var _all_; close new_data; %let open_d = %sysfunc (open(new_data)); %let obs_ = %sysfunc(attrn(&open_d., nobs)); %let close_d = %sysfunc(close(&open_d.)); %let obs_1 = %sysevalf(&obs_ - 1); n1 = &ai.+&ci.; n2 = &bi.+&di.; m1 = &ai.+&bi.; m2 = &ci.+&di.; N_total = &ai. +&bi.+&ci.+&di.; /*99% 2.576*/ eer = &ai. / n1; /*98% 2.326*/ cer = &bi. / n2; nnt = 1/abs(eer-cer); nnt_ci_l = 1/((eer-cer)+1.96*sqrt((eer#(1-eer)/n1)+(cer#(1-cer)/n2))); nnt_ci_u = 1/((eer-cer)-1.96*sqrt((eer#(1-eer)/n1)+(cer#(1-cer)/n2))); nnh = 1/abs(eer-cer); nnh_ci_l = 1/((eer-cer)+1.96*sqrt((eer#(1-eer)/n1)+(cer#(1-cer)/n2))); nnh_ci_u = 1/((eer-cer)-1.96*sqrt((eer#(1-eer)/n1)+(cer#(1-cer)/n2))); /*RD*/ pti = &ai./(&ai.+&ci.); pci = &bi./(&bi.+&di.); RDi = pti - pci; var_rdi = (pti#(1-pti))/n1 + (pci#(1-pci))/n2; se_rd = sqrt(var_rdi); wi = 1/var_rdi; RD_pooled = sum(wi#rdi) / sum(wi); var_rd_p = 1/sum(wi); se_rd_p = 1/sqrt(sum(wi)); RDi_ci_l = RDi - 1.96#sqrt(var_rdi); RDi_ci_u = RDi + 1.96#sqrt(var_rdi); RDp_ci_l = RD_pooled - 1.96#se_rd_p; RDp_ci_u = RD_pooled + 1.96#se_rd_p; print rdi RDi_ci_l RDi_ci_u RD_pooled RDp_ci_l RDp_ci_u; /* rd顯著性 h0:rd=0 if |zrd|>1.96 reject ho*/ Zrd = RD_pooled/se_rd_p; zrd_pv = (1-probnorm(abs(Zrd)))#2; print zrd zrd_pv; /* rd同質性 h0:rd1=rd2...*/ Qrd = sum(wi#((RDi-RD_pooled)##2)); Qrd_pv = (1-probchi(Qrd, &obs_1.)); print Qrd Qrd_pv; i2 = (qrd - &obs_1.) / qrd; print i2; /* Random Effect */ t_2 = max(0, (Qrd-(&obs_1.)) / (sum(wi)- (sum(wi##2)) /sum(wi))) ; wi_ = 1/(var_rdi+t_2); theta_ = sum(wi#rdi) / sum(rdi); se_theta_ = 1 / sqrt(sum(wi_)); theta__ci_l = theta_ - 1.96 # se_theta_; theta__ci_u = theta_ + 1.96 # se_theta_; r_pooled_rd = exp(sum(wi_#rdi)/sum(wi_)); se_r_pooled_rd = 1 / sqrt(sum(wi_)); r_pooled_rd_ci_l = r_pooled_rd - 1.96#se_r_pooled_rd; r_pooled_rd_ci_u = r_pooled_rd + 1.96#se_r_pooled_rd; print t_2 wi_ theta_ se_theta_ theta__ci_l theta__ci_u ; print r_pooled_rd se_r_pooled_rd r_pooled_rd_ci_l r_pooled_rd_ci_u; /*theta_的有效性檢驗, h0 : theta_ =0 */ utheta_ = ((sum(wi_ # rdi))##2 ) / sum(wi_); utheta__pv = (1-probchi(utheta_, 1)); zutheta_ = theta_ / se_theta_; zutheta__pv = (1-probnorm(abs(zutheta_)))#2; print utheta_ utheta__pv zutheta_ zutheta__pv; median_rdi = median(rdi); wi_pct = wi/sum(wi); create output var { i2 Qw_pv rdi RDi_ci_l RDi_ci_u RD_pooled RDp_ci_l RDp_ci_u se_rd zrd Qrd Qrd_pv wi median_rdi n1 n2 wi_pct}; append; close output; GroupId=3; create pooled var {RD_pooled RDp_ci_l RDp_ci_u GroupId}; append; close output; create ran_pooled var { r_pooled_rd r_pooled_rd_ci_l r_pooled_rd_ci_u GroupId}; append; close output; quit;title; data output2; merge output new_data; obs = _n_; GroupId = 1; run; data output3; set output2 pooled (rename=(RD_pooled=rdi RDp_ci_l=rdi_ci_l RDp_ci_u=rdi_ci_u)) ran_pooled (rename=(r_pooled_rd=rdi r_pooled_rd_ci_l=rdi_ci_l r_pooled_rd_ci_u=rdi_ci_u)); if _n_ = &obs_.+1 then &references. = "Pooled_F"; if _n_ = &obs_.+2 then &references. = "Pooled_R"; run; proc sgplot data = output2; HIGHLOW y=obs HIGH=rdi_ci_u LOW=rdi_ci_l / close = rdi; REFLINE 0 / label = "0" AXIS= X; yaxis REVERSE; quit; proc print data = output2(keep = &references. rdi rdi_ci_u rdi_ci_l); run; /* proc sgplot data = output2; STEP x = obs y= wi / DATALABEL = wi; quit; */ proc sgplot data = output2; scatter y = se_rd x = rdi / datalabel = obs; yaxis REVERSE; refline median_rdi / axis = x; quit; %mend; %macro my_meta_norm(data = , NT = , YT = , ST = , NC = , YC = , SC = , references=); %let open_d = %sysfunc (open(&data.)); %let obs_ = %sysfunc(attrn(&open_d., nobs)); %let close_d = %sysfunc(close(&open_d.)); %let obs_1 = %sysevalf(&obs_ - 1); proc iml; use &data.; read all var _all_; close &data.; /* si = sqrt(st##2+sc##2-2*0.7*st*sc) /sqrt(2*(1-0.7)); */ /* si = sqrt(((nt-1)#((st)##2) + (nc-1)#((sc)##2))/(nt+nc-2));*/ /* esi = (yt - yc)/si;*/ /* proc iml; yt = {54 48 40}; yc = {71 72 75}; st={14 15 11}; sc = {6 8 8}; n = {36 39 37}; nt = {36 39 37}; nc = {36 39 37}; si = sqrt(st##2+sc##2-2#0.7#st#sc) /sqrt(2#(1-0.7)); esi = (yt - yc)/si; se_esi = sqrt((1/n)+(esi##2)/(2#n)) # sqrt(2#(1-0.7)); create d1 var {yt yc st sc n si esi se_esi nt nc}; append; close d1; quit;*/ /* m = nt+nc -2;*/ /* m = nt -1;*/ /* cm = 1 - (3/(4#m-1));*/ /* esui = cm#esi;*/ /* var_esui = (nt+nc)/(nt#nc) + ((esui)##2)/(2#(nt+nc));*/ /* se_esui = sqrt(var_esui);*/ esui_ci_l = esui - 1.96 #se_esui; esui_ci_u = esui + 1.96 #se_esui; print si esi esui var_esui esui_ci_l esui_ci_u; wi = 1/var_esui; pooled_es = sum(wi#esui) / sum(wi); se_pooled_es = 1 / sqrt(sum(wi)); pooled_es_ci_l = pooled_es - 1.96#se_pooled_es; pooled_es_ci_u = pooled_es + 1.96#se_pooled_es; print wi pooled_es se_pooled_es pooled_es_ci_l pooled_es_ci_u; /* print wi2 pooled_es2 se_pooled_es2;*/ /*ES的顯著性檢驗, */ /* i.e. Testing H0: Effect Size = 0*/ ues = ((sum(wi#esui))##2) / sum(wi); ues_pv = (1-probchi(ues, 1)); print ues ues_pv; median_esui = median(esui); /*ES的同質性檢驗, */ /* i.e. Testing H0: = = = */ qes = sum(wi# ((esui-pooled_es)##2)); qes_pv = (1-probchi(qes, &obs_1.)); print qes qes_pv; i2 = (qes -&obs_1.)/qes; print i2; wi_pct = wi/sum(wi); /* Random Effect Model*/ t_2 = max(0, (qes-(&obs_1.)) / (sum(wi)- (sum(wi##2)) /sum(wi))) ; wi_ = 1/(var_esui+t_2); wi__ = (wi_/sum(wi_) )*100; theta_ = sum(wi_#esui) / sum(wi_); se_theta_ = 1 / sqrt(sum(wi_)); theta__ci_l = theta_ - 1.96 # se_theta_; theta__ci_u = theta_ + 1.96 # se_theta_; r_pooled_es = sum(wi_#esui) / sum(wi_); se_r_pooled_es = 1 / sqrt(sum(wi_)); r_pooled_es_ci_l = pooled_es - 1.96#se_r_pooled_es; r_pooled_es_ci_u = pooled_es + 1.96#se_r_pooled_es; print t_2 wi_ wi__ theta_ se_theta_ theta__ci_l theta__ci_u ; print r_pooled_es se_r_pooled_es r_pooled_es_ci_l r_pooled_es_ci_u; /*r ES的顯著性檢驗, */ /* i.e. Testing H0: Effect Size = 0*/ ues = ((sum(wi_#esui))##2) / sum(wi); ues_pv = (1-probchi(ues, 1)); print ues ues_pv; /*r ES的同質性檢驗, */ /* i.e. Testing H0: = = = */ qes = sum(wi_# ((esui-pooled_es)##2)); qes_pv = (1-probchi(qes, &obs_1.)); print qes qes_pv; i2 = (qes -&obs_1.)/qes; print i2; wi_pct = wi/sum(wi); /*theta_的有效性檢驗, h0 : theta_ =0 */ utheta_ = ((sum(wi_ # esui))##2 ) / sum(wi_); utheta__pv = (1-probchi(utheta_, 1)); zutheta_ = theta_ / se_theta_; zutheta__pv = (1-probnorm(abs(zutheta_)))#2; print utheta_ utheta__pv zutheta_ zutheta__pv; GroupId=3; create pooled var {pooled_es pooled_es_ci_l pooled_es_ci_u GroupId}; append; close pooled; create ran_pooled var {r_pooled_es r_pooled_es_ci_l r_pooled_es_ci_u GroupId}; append; close ran_pooled; ; create output var { i2 si esi esui var_esui se_esui esui_ci_l esui_ci_u pooled_es se_pooled_es pooled_es_ci_l pooled_es_ci_u ues ues_pv qes qes_pv median_esui wi_ wi__ r_pooled_es se_r_pooled_es r_pooled_es_ci_l r_pooled_es_ci_u }; append; close output; quit; data output2; merge output (rename=(esui=smd esui_CI_L=lcl esui_CI_u=ucl WI__ = weigth_pct)) &data.; obs = _n_; GroupId = 1; smd_ = Round(smd, 0.01); run;/* data output3; set output2 pooled (rename=(pooled_es=esui pooled_es_ci_l=esui_ci_l pooled_es_ci_u=esui_ci_u)) ran_pooled (rename=(r_pooled_es=esui r_pooled_es_ci_l=esui_ci_l r_pooled_es_ci_u=esui_ci_u)); if _n_ = &obs_.+1 then &references. = "Pooled_F"; if _n_ = &obs_.+2 then &references. = "Pooled_R"; run; */ proc sgplot data = output2; HIGHLOW y=obs HIGH=esui_ci_u LOW=esui_ci_l / close = esui ; REFLINE 0 / label = "0" AXIS= X; yaxis REVERSE; quit; proc print data = output2(keep = &references. esui esui_ci_l esui_ci_u wi); run; proc sgplot data = output2; scatter y = se_esui x = esui / datalabel = obs; refline median_esui / axis = x; yaxis REVERSE; quit; %mend; %macro symsize; data _null_; set metadat; retain sizeh1-sizeh%eval(&n_stud+2) fontv1-fontv%eval(&n_stud+2); length fontv1-fontv%eval(&n_stud+2) $20.; array sizes sizeh1-sizeh%eval(&n_stud+2); array fvs $ fontv1-fontv%eval(&n_stud+2); do i=1 to (&n_stud)+2; if i=y then do; sizes{i}=size*11/&maxsize; fvs{i}='font=specialu v=K'; if i=&n_stud+2 then output; end; end; %do i=1 %to (&n_stud)+2; call symput("sh&i",trim(left(put(sizeh&i,6.2)))); call symput("fv&i",trim(left(put(fontv&i,20.)))); %global sh&i fv&i; %end; run; %mend symsize; %macro doall (study); %do %while (&study le (&n_stud+2)); if y=&study then do; xx&study=lower95; yy&study=y+0.2; output; yy&study=y-0.2; output; yy&study=y; output; xx&study=upper95; output; yy&study=y+0.2;output; yy&study=y-0.2; output; end; %let study=%eval(&study+1); %end; %mend doall; %macro syms; %do i=1 %to (&n_stud)+2; symbol&i &&fv&i l=1 interpol=none h=&&sh&i color=black; %end; %mend syms; %macro plotpts; %do i=1 %to (&n_stud + 2); yy&i*xx&i=%eval(&n_stud+3) %end; %do i=1 %to (&n_stud + 2); y&i*x&i=&i %end; %mend plotpts; %Macro PubBias(N1=size1,N2=size2,di=effsize,studyID=study,ModelType=1,Dataset=MetaPub); proc iml; use &Dataset; read all var{&N1} into n1_vec; read all var{&N2} into n2_vec; read all var{&di} into di_vec; read all var{&n1 &n2} into n_vec; k= nrow(di_vec); start mean_d(di_vec,var_di,tau2,d_mean,resum_wt,vi_star,d_SE,upper95,lower95); k = nrow(di_vec); d_mean = 0; resum_wt = 0; vi_star = J(k,1,0); do i = 1 to k; d_mean = d_mean + di_vec[i,1]/(var_di[i,1]+tau2); resum_wt = resum_wt + (var_di[i,1]+tau2)##-1; vi_star[i,1] = var_di[i,1]+tau2; end; d_mean = d_mean/resum_wt; d_SE = SQRT(resum_wt##-1); upper95 = d_mean + 1.96#d_SE; lower95 = d_mean - 1.96#d_SE; finish; start calcq(di_vec,n_vec,qq,prob_qq1,var_di); k = nrow(di_vec); var_di=J(k,1,0); do i = 1 to k; var_di[i,1] = ((n_vec[i,1]+n_vec[i,2])/(n_vec[i,1]#n_vec[i,2])) + ((di_vec[i,1]##2)/(2#(n_vec[i,1]+n_vec[i,2]))); end; d_plus = 0; fesum_wt = 0; do i = 1 to k; d_plus = d_plus + di_vec[i,1]/var_di[i,1]; fesum_wt = fesum_wt + var_di[i,1]##-1; end; d_plus = d_plus/fesum_wt; QQ = 0; do i = 1 to k; QQ = QQ + ((di_vec[i,1] - d_plus)##2/var_di[i,1]); end; prob_qq1 = 1 - PROBCHI(QQ,k-1); finish; start calcreg(di_vec,n_vec,X_Matrix,vi,B_wls,SE_B,B_ols,SE_B_ols); k = nrow(di_vec); X = J(k,1,1)||X_Matrix; B_wls = INV(X`*DIAG(vi)*X)*X`*DIAG(vi)*di_vec; cov_b = INV(X`*DIAG(vi)*X); SE_B = SQRT(vecdiag(cov_b)); B_ols =INV(X`*X)*X`*di_vec; cov_b = INV(X`*X); SE_B_ols = SQRT(vecdiag(cov_b)); finish; START KENDALL(A,B,N,T_AB,untie_A,untie_B,VART_AB,Z_TEST); DOM_MTXA = J(N,N,0); ties_A = 0; counts_A = 0; do i = 1 to N; do j = 1 to N; if A[i,1] > A[j,1] then do; DOM_MTXA[i,j] = 1; end; if A[i,1] < A[j,1] then do; DOM_MTXA[i,j] = -1; end; if A[i,1] = A[j,1] then do; ties_A = ties_A + 1; end; counts_A = counts_A + 1; end; end; untie_A = 1 - (ties_A - N)/(counts_A - N); DOM_MTXB = J(N,N,0); ties_B = 0; counts_B = 0; do i = 1 to N; do j = 1 to N; if B[i,1] > B[j,1] then do; DOM_MTXB[i,j] = 1; end; if B[i,1] < B[j,1] then do; DOM_MTXB[i,j] = -1; end; if B[i,1] = B[j,1] then do; ties_B = ties_B + 1; end; counts_B = counts_B + 1; end; end; untie_B = 1 - (ties_B - N)/(counts_B - N); DOM_MTXD = J(N,N,0); do i = 1 to N; do j = 1 to N; DOM_MTXD[i,j] = DOM_MTXA[i,j]#DOM_MTXB[i,j]; end; end; MTXD_sum = DOM_MTXD[,+]; T_AB = MTXD_sum[+,] #(1/(n#(n-1))); MTX_F = J(N,1,0); do i = 1 to N; MTX_F[i,1] = (MTXD_sum [i,1]/(n-1)); end; MTX_G = J(N,1,0); do i = 1 to N; MTX_G[i,1] = (MTX_F[i,1] - T_AB)##2; end; MTXG_sum = 1/(n-1)#(MTX_G[+,]); MTX_H = J(N,N,0); do i = 1 to N; do j = 1 to N; MTX_H[i,j] = DOM_MTXD[i,j]#DOM_MTXD[i,j]; end; end; MTXH_sum = MTX_H[+,+]; NUMER_AB = MTXH_sum - ((n) # (n-1) # (T_AB#T_AB)); DENOM_AB = n#(n-1) -1; VART_AB = NUMER_AB/DENOM_AB; vart_ab = ((4#(n-2)#(MTXG_sum))+(2#VART_AB)) / (n#(n-1)); IF vart_ab > 0 THEN DO ; Z_TEST = (T_AB /SQRT(vart_ab)); end; if vart_ab =0 then do; Z_TEST = 5.00; END; FINISH; run calcq(di_vec,n_vec,qq,prob_qq1,var_di); CC = (J(1,K,1)*var_di##-1) - ((J(1,K,1)*var_di##-2) / (J(1,K,1)*var_di##-1)); Tau2 = (QQ - (K - 1)) / cc; if tau2 < 0 then tau2 = 0; if &modeltype=0 then tau2=0; run mean_d(di_vec,var_di,tau2,d_mean,resum_wt,vi_star,d_SE,upper95,lower95); vi = J(k,1,0); vi_inv = j(k,1,0); mean = 0; weight = 0; t_star = J(k,1,0); Vi_stand = J(k,1,0); dev_di = J(k,1,0); Root_Vi=J(k,1,0); Egger_z = J(k,1,0); REJ_TRIM = J(3,1,0); do i = 1 to k; vi[i,1] = vi_star[i,1]; vi_inv[i,1] = vi[i,1]##-1; mean = d_mean; weight = resum_wt; dev_di[i,1] = ABS(di_vec[i,1] - mean); Vi_stand[i,1] = vi[i,1] - (weight##-1); t_star[i,1] = (di_vec[i,1] - mean)/SQRT(Vi_stand[i,1]); Root_Vi[i,1] = vi[i,1]##-0.5; Egger_z[i,1] = di_vec[i,1]#Root_Vi[i,1]; end; run calcreg(Egger_z,n_vec,Root_Vi,vi_inv,B_wls,SE_B,B_ols,SE_B_ols); eggt_ols = B_ols[1,1]/SE_B_ols[1,1]; eggPR_tOLS =2#(1-probt(abs(eggt_ols),k-2)); run KENDALL(t_star,vi,k,T_X1Y,UT_A,UT_B,VART_X1Y,Z_TEST); BeggV_z = Z_TEST; BeggVpr_z =2#(1-probnorm(abs(Z_test))); total_n = n_vec * J(2,1,1); run KENDALL(t_star,total_n,k,T_X1Y,UT_A,UT_B,VART_X1Y,Z_TEST); BeggN_z = Z_TEST; BeggNpr_z =2#(1-probnorm(abs(Z_test))); run calcreg(di_vec,n_vec,total_n,vi_inv,B_wls,SE_B,B_ols,SE_B_ols); Funt_WLS = B_wls[2,1]/SE_B[2,1]; FunPR_tWLS =2#(1-probt(abs(Funt_WLS),k-2)); dev_rank = rank(dev_di); do i = 1 to k; if di_vec[i,1] < mean then dev_rank[i,1] = -1#dev_rank[i,1]; end; r=-1#MIN(dev_rank); gamma=k-r; ro=gamma-1; r2=MAX(dev_rank); gamma2=k-r2; ro2=gamma2-1; if ro > 3 then REJ_TRIM[1,1] = REJ_TRIM[1,1] +1; if ro2 > 3 then REJ_TRIM[2,1] = REJ_TRIM[2,1] +1; if (ro > 3 | ro2 > 3) then REJ_TRIM[3,1] = REJ_TRIM[3,1] +1; Right=REJ_TRIM[1,1]; If Right=1 then Right='Yes'; Else Right='No'; Left=REJ_TRIM[2,1];If Left=1 then Left='Yes'; Else Left='No'; Both=REJ_TRIM[3,1];If Both=1 then Both='Yes'; Else Both='No'; file print; put @1'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'// @1 'Meta-Analysis: Descriptive Information'/ @1 '--------------------------------------'// @5'Number of Studies'@60 k// @5'Mean Effect Size' @60 d_mean 10.4/ @7'Confidence Band'/ @10 '95% Lower Limit' @60lower95 10.4/ @10'95% Upper Limit'@60 upper95 10.4// @5 'Test for Homogeneity'@60'Chi Square'@75'Probability'/ @5 '--------------------' @60'----------'@75'-----------'/ @5'Q test'@62 QQ 8.4 @75 prob_qq1 10.4// @5'Random Effects Variance Component'@62 Tau2 8.4/// @1'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'// @1 'Meta-Analysis: Tests of Publication Bias'/ @1 '----------------------------------------'// @5 'Egger Regression' @60't value'@75'Probability'/ @5 '----------------' @60'-------'@75'-----------'/ @5 'Egger OLS Regression' @60 eggt_OLS 7.4 @75 eggPR_tOLS 10.4/// @5 'Begg Rank Correlation' @60'z value'@75'Probability'/ @5 '---------------------' @60'-------'@75'-----------'/ @5 'Begg Rank Correlation (Predictor=Variance)' @60 beggV_z 7.4 @75 beggVpr_z 10.4/ @5 'Begg Rank Correlation (Predictor=Sample Size)' @60 beggN_z 7.4 @75 beggNpr_z 10.4/// @5 'Funnel Plot Regression' @60't value'@75'Probability'/ @5 '----------------------' @60'-------'@75'-----------'/ @5 'Funnel Plot WLS Regression' @60 Funt_WLS 7.4 @75 FunPR_tWLS 10.4/// @5 'Trim and Fill'@60'Publication Bias Present'/ @5 '-------------'@60'------------------------'/ @7 'Right Tail' @70 Right/ @7 'Left Tail' @70 Left/ @7 'Both Tails' @70 Both/ @1'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'//; sum_n = n_vec*J(2,1,1); total_n = sum(sum_n); outvector = d_mean||lower95||upper95||total_n; create j1 from outvector; append from outvector; quit; data meta2; set &Dataset; SE = SQRT((&n1 + &n2) / (&n1 * &n2) + &di**2 / (2*(&n1 + &n2))); lower95 = &di - 1.96*SE; upper95 = &di + 1.96*SE; size = &n1 + &n2; y = _n_; data total1; set j1; rename col1 = &di col2 = lower95 col3 = upper95 col4 = size; length &StudyID $ 12; y = 99; &StudyID = 'Total'; data total2; y = 98; data total; set total1 total2; axis1 label=(height=2.9 font='Zapf' 'Effect Size') minor=none value=(height=2.5 font='Zapf'); axis2 label=(height=2.9 angle = 90 font='Zapf' 'Sample Size') minor=none value=(height=2.5 font='Zapf'); title1 font = 'Zapf' height = 2.9 'Funnel Plot' ; symbol1 interpol=none value=circle height=3 cv=black ci=black co=black width=2; /*proc gplot data=meta2;*/ /* plot size*&di /haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 frame ;*/ /*run;*/ proc means data=meta2 noprint; var size; output out=meanout sum=sum max=max; data _null_; set meanout end=eof; if eof then do; call symput("n_stud",trim(left(put(_freq_,8.)))); call symput("n_subs",trim(left(put(sum,8.)))); call symput("maxsize",trim(left(put(max,8.)))); end; proc sort data=meta2; by &di upper95; run; data metadat; set total(in=a) meta2(in=b); length metastr $ 200; retain metastr studcnt; metanum=y; y=_n_; if _n_=1 then do; metastr="0=' ' %eval(&n_stud+3)=' '"; studcnt=&n_stud+2; end; else studcnt=studcnt-1; do i=1 to %eval(&n_stud+2); if i=studcnt then metastr=" " || trim(left(metastr)) || ' ' || trim(left(y)) ||"='" || trim(left(&StudyID)) || "' "; end; if &StudyID=' ' then y=.; yo=lower95; xo=upper95; output metadat; if _n_=%eval(&n_stud+2) then do; call symput("metastr",trim(metastr)); end; run; proc format; value stfmt &metastr; run; data alldata; set metadat; %doall (1) %symsize %syms data final(drop=i); set alldata; array xarray{*} x1-x%eval(&n_stud+2); array yarray{*} y1-y%eval(&n_stud+2); do i=1 to (&n_stud)+2; if i=y then do; xarray{i}=&di; yarray{i}=y; end; end; format yy1-yy%eval(&n_stud+2) stfmt.; run; axis1 label=(height=2.9 font='Zapf' 'Effect Size') minor=none value=(height=2.5 font='Zapf'); axis2 label=(height=2.9 angle = 90 font='Zapf' 'Study') minor=none order=( 0 to %eval(&n_stud+3) by 1) value=(height=2.5 font='Zapf'); /*title1 font = 'Zapf' height = 2.9 'Forest Plot' ; proc gplot data=final; plot %plotpts / overlay haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2 frame href=0; symbol%eval(&n_stud+3) f=marker v=none l=1 w=1 i=join; symbol1 font=marker v=P l=1 h=2.7 interpol=none; run;*/ title; quit; %Mend PubBias; %macro ForestMacro ( Data=, /*--Data Set Name (Required)--*/ Study=, /*--Variable name for Study (Required)--*/ OddsRatio=, /*--Variable name for Odds Ratio (Required)--*/ LCL=, /*--Variable name for Lower Confidence Limit (Required)--*/ UCL=, /*--Variable name for Upper Confidence Limit (Required)--*/ Group=GroupId, /*--Variable name for Study Type--*/ Weight=, /*--Variable name for Study Weight in %--*/ StatCol1=, /*--Variable name for Stat Column 1--*/ StatCol2=, /*--Variable name for Stat Column 2--*/ StatCol3=, /*--Variable name for Stat Column 3--*/ StatCol4=, /*--Variable name for Stat Column 4--*/ DisplayCols=YES, /*--Display the columns for OR, LCL, UCL & Weight--*/ WtFactor=, /*--Multiplier factor for Study Weights--*/ /*--If not provided WtFactor is computed internally--*/ Bands=YES, /*--Draw Horizontal Alternating Bands--*/ Borders=NO, /*--Draw Borders--*/ GraphWalls=NO, /*--Draw Filled Walls behind the Graph--*/ StatWalls=NO, /*--Draw Filled Walls behind the Statistics Tables--*/ Width=6.4in, /*--Default width of the graph in pixels--*/ Height=, /*--Default height of the graph is computed based on number of observations--*/ LabelColWidth=0.2, /*--Fractional width for Label Column--*/ Label1=Favors Treatment, /*--Favorable Label--*/ Label2=Favors Control, /*--Unfavorable Label--*/ PlotTitle=Odds Ratio and 95% CL, /*--Plot Title--*/ FootNote=, /*--Graph Footnote--*/ Title2=, /*--Graph title2--*/ Title=Impact of Treatment on Mortality by Study /*--Graph Title--*/ ); %local WeightVar MarkerSize GraphColWidth StatColWidth Border DisplaySecondary GraphWallDisplay StatWallDisplay; %local OddsLabel LowerLabel UpperLabel WeightLabel SLabel1 SLabel2 SLabel3 SLabel4; %local GraphHeight Ratio RowHeight HeaderHeight Nobs; /*--Data, Study, OddsRatio, LCL and UCL are required --*/ /*--Group is optional --*/ /*--Terminatethese required parameters are not supplied--*/ %if %length(&Data) eq 0 %then %do; %put The parameter 'Data' is required - Forest Macro Terminated.; %goto finished; %end; %else %if %length(&Study) eq 0 %then %do; %put The parameter 'Study' is required - Forest Macro Terminated.; %goto finished; %end; %else %if %length(&LCL) eq 0 %then %do; %put The parameter 'LCL' is required - Forest Macro Terminated.; %goto finished; %end; %else %if %length(&UCL) eq 0 %then %do; %put The parameter 'UCL' is required - Forest Macro Terminated.; %goto finished; %end; %else %if %length(&OddsRatio) eq 0 %then %do; %put The parameter 'OddsRatio' is required - Forest Macro Terminated.; %goto finished; %end; /*--Initialize GraphHeight, Height per row and Height for other graph items--*/ %let GraphHeight=&Height; %let RowHeight=22; %let HeaderHeight=100; %if %length(&Footnote) ne 0 %then %do; %let HeaderHeight=115; %end; /*--If the Weight column is not provided, use equal weights, and suppress display of Weight stat--*/ %if &Weight eq %then %do; %let WeightVar = _Weight; %let MarkerSize = 7; %end; %else %do; %let WeightVar=&Weight; %let MarkerSize = 0; %end; /*--Set up GTL options for borders--*/ %let DisplaySecondary = displaysecondary=none; %let Borders=%upcase(&Borders); %if &Borders eq YES or &Borders eq Y %then %do; %let Border = line; %let DisplaySecondary = displaysecondary=(line); %end; /*--Set up GTL options for GraphWall Display--*/ %let GraphWallDisplay = walldisplay=none; %let GraphWalls=%upcase(&GraphWalls); %if &GraphWalls eq YES or &GraphWalls eq Y %then %do; %let GraphWallDisplay = walldisplay=(fill); %end; /*--Set up GTL options for StatWall Display--*/ %let StatWallDisplay = walldisplay=none; %let StatWalls=%upcase(&StatWalls); %if &StatWalls eq YES or &StatWalls eq Y %then %do; %let StatWallDisplay = walldisplay=(fill); %end; /*--Create Label Columns for standard and additional columns--*/ /*--Load Stat Column Label or name into macro for label column value--*/ %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&Data)); %if &dsid %then %do; %let Nobs=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid, nlobs)); %if &Nobs eq 0 %then %do; %put The Data Set &Data has no observations - Forest Macro Terminated.; %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid)); %goto finished; %end; %if &Nobs gt 150 %then %do; %put The Data Set &Data has over 100 observations - Forest Macro Terminated.; %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid)); %goto finished; %end; /*--Count the number of stat columns--*/ %let idx=0; /*--Column display information for the OddsRatio column--*/ %let DisplayCols=%upcase(&DisplayCols); %if &DisplayCols eq YES or &DisplayCols eq Y %then %do; %let OddsLabel=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&OddsRatio)))); %if %length(&OddsLabel) eq 0 %then %let OddsLabel=&OddsRatio; %let idx= %eval(&idx+1); %let LowerLabel=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&LCL)))); %if %length(&LowerLabel) eq 0 %then %let LowerLabel=&LCL; %let idx= %eval(&idx+1); %let UpperLabel=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&UCL)))); %if %length(&UpperLabel) eq 0 %then %let UpperLabel=&UCL; %let idx= %eval(&idx+1); %if &Weight ne %then %do; %let WeightLabel=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&Weight)))); %if %length(&WeightLabel) eq 0 %then %let WeightLabel=&Weight; %let idx= %eval(&idx+1); %end; %end; /*--Additional columns to be displayed--*/ %if %length(&StatCol1) ne 0 %then %do; %let SLabel1=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&StatCol1)))); %if %length(&SLabel1) eq 0 %then %let SLabel1=&StatCol1; %let idx= %eval(&idx+1); %end; %if %length(&StatCol2) ne 0 %then %do; %let SLabel2=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&StatCol2)))); %if %length(&SLabel2) eq 0 %then %let SLabel2=&StatCol2; %let idx= %eval(&idx+1); %end; %if %length(&StatCol3) ne 0 %then %do; %let SLabel3=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&StatCol3)))); %if %length(&SLabel3) eq 0 %then %let SLabel3=&StatCol3; %let idx= %eval(&idx+1); %end; %if %length(&StatCol4) ne 0 %then %do; %let SLabel4=%sysfunc(varlabel(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&StatCol4)))); %if %length(&SLabel4) eq 0 %then %let SLabel4=&StatCol4; %let idx= %eval(&idx+1); %end; %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid)); /*--Set column weights based on number of stat columns--*/ %let StatColWidth=%sysevalf(&idx * 0.075); %let GraphColWidth= %sysevalf(1.0 - &LabelColWidth - &StatColWidth); %end; %else %do; %put The data set &Data does not exist - Forest Macro Terminated.; %goto finished; %end; /*--Compute Weight Factor if not provided --*/ /*--Estimate height of graph if not provided--*/ data _null_; set &Data end=last; retain totalweight 0; totalweight+wt; if last then do; %if &wtFactor eq %then %do; if totalweight <= 0 then totalweight=1; call symput ('wtFactor', 1 / totalweight); %end; /*--Estimate Ratio of Plot height by Graph Height--*/ call symput ('Ratio', (_N_* &RowHeight)/(_N_* &RowHeight + &HeaderHeight)); /*--Estimate the optimal height of the graph based on obs count--*/ %if &Height eq %then %do; call symput ('GraphHeight', _N_ * &RowHeight + &HeaderHeight); %end; end; run; /*--Append a PX only if this internally estimated--*/ %if &Height eq %then %do; %let GraphHeight=&GraphHeight.px; %end; /*--Process Data--.3*/ data _forest; set &Data; format _wt ; _ObsId=_N_; %if &Weight eq %then %do; &WeightVar=0; %end; label _wt=&WeightLabel; /*--If Group column is provided--*/ %if %length(&Group) ne 0 %then %do; /*--Group=1 (Study) values will be drawn without a group role--*/ if &group=1 then do; _wt=&WeightVar / 100; _grp=10; _1 = &OddsRatio; _lcl1=&LCL; _ucl1=&UCL; /*--Compute marker width--*/ _x1=&OddsRatio / (10 ** (&WeightVar*&WtFactor/2)); _x2=&OddsRatio * (10 ** (&WeightVar*&WtFactor/2)); end; /*--Group=2 & 3 (SubGroup and Overall) values will be drawn with groupindex=2 & 3--*/ else if &group > 1 then do; _grp=&group; _2 = &OddsRatio; end; %end; %else %do; _wt=&WeightVar / 100; _grp=10; _1 = &OddsRatio; _lcl1=&LCL; _ucl1=&UCL; /*--Compute marker width--*/ _x1=&OddsRatio / (10 ** (&WeightVar*&WtFactor/2)); _x2=&OddsRatio * (10 ** (&WeightVar*&WtFactor/2)); %end; /*--Create label columns for standard and additional statistic--*/ %if %length(&OddsRatio) ne 0 %then %do; _OddsRatioLabel = symget('OddsLabel'); %end; %if %length(&LCL) ne 0 %then %do; _LowerLabel = symget('LowerLabel'); %end; %if %length(&UCL) ne 0 %then %do; _UpperLabel = symget('UpperLabel'); %end; %if %length(&Weight) ne 0 %then %do; _WeightLabel = symget('WeightLabel'); %end; %if %length(&StatCol1) ne 0 %then %do; _StatColLabel1 = symget('SLabel1'); _StatCol1 = &StatCol1; %end; %if %length(&StatCol2) ne 0 %then %do; _StatColLabel2 = symget('SLabel2'); _StatCol2 = &StatCol2; %end; %if %length(&StatCol3) ne 0 %then %do; _StatColLabel3 = symget('SLabel3'); _StatCol3 = &StatCol3; %end; %if %length(&StatCol4) ne 0 %then %do; _StatColLabel4 = symget('SLabel4'); _StatCol4 = &StatCol4; %end; run; /*--Reverse the order to avoid putting axis reverse--*/ proc sort data=_forest out=_forest; by descending _ObsId; run; /*--Add sequence numbers to each observation--*/ data _forest; set _forest; studyvalue=_n_; run; /*--Output values and formatted strings to data set--*/ data _forestFormat; set _forest end=last; keep label start end fmtname type hlo; retain fmtname '_Study' type 'n'; label=&Study; start=studyvalue; end=studyvalue; output; if last then do; hlo='O'; label='Other'; output; end; run; /*--Create Format from data set--*/ proc format library=work cntlin=_forestFormat; run; /*--Apply format to study values--*/ /*--Compute width of box proportional to weight in log scale--*/ data _forest; format studyvalue _study.; set _forest; %let Bands=%upcase(&Bands); %if &Bands eq YES or &Bands eq Y %then %do; if mod(studyvalue, 2) = 0 then _StudyRef=StudyValue; %end; run; /*--Compute top and bottom offsets--*/ data _null_; pct=&Ratio/nobs; thk=pct* 0.9 *100; call symputx("pct", pct); call symputx("pct2", 2*pct); call symputx("RefThickness", thk); call symputx("count", nobs); set _forest nobs=nobs; run; /*title;*/ /*options nodate nonumber;*/ /*--Define GTL template for graph--*/ proc template; define statgraph ForestMacro; begingraph / designwidth=&Width designheight=&GraphHeight; entrytitle "&Title"; entryfootnote halign=left "&FootNote"; %if %length(&title2) ne 0 %then %do; entrytitle "&title2" / textattrs=graphLabelText; %end; layout lattice / columns=3 columnweights=(&LabelColWidth &GraphColWidth &StatColWidth) columngutter=0 rowdatarange=union; /*--Column # 1 contains the Study Labels using Secondary Y axis--*/ layout overlay / walldisplay=none x2axisopts=(display=none) yaxisopts=(linearopts=(tickvaluesequence=(start=1 end=&count increment=1)) offsetmin=&pct2 offsetmax=&pct display=none displaysecondary=(tickvalues &border)); scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_1 / yaxis=Y xaxis=X2 markerattrs=(size=0) includemissinggroup=true; scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_1 / yaxis=Y xaxis=X2 markerattrs=(size=0) includemissinggroup=true; endlayout; /*--Column # 2 contains the graph--*/ layout overlay / &GraphWallDisplay border=false yaxisopts=(linearopts=(tickvaluesequence=(start=1 end=&count increment=1)) offsetmin=&pct2 offsetmax=&pct display=none); /*--Draw alternating bands using referenceline--*/ %if &Bands eq YES or &Bands eq Y %then %do; referenceline y=_StudyRef / lineattrs=(thickness=&RefThickness.PCT) datatransparency=0.9; %end; /*--Draw Markers for SubGroup and Overall values--*/ %if %length(&Group) ne 0 %then %do; scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_2 / markerattrs=(symbol=diamondfilled size=10) group=_grp includemissinggroup=true index=_grp; %end; /*--Draw OddsRatio and Limits for Study Values--*/ scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_1 / xerrorupper=_ucl1 xerrorlower=_lcl1 markerattrs=graphdata1(symbol=squarefilled size=&MarkerSize); /*--Draw box representing the weight of the study--*/ vectorplot y=studyvalue x=_x2 xorigin=_x1 yorigin=studyvalue / lineattrs=GraphData1(thickness=8) arrowheads=false; /*--Draw Reference lines and labels--*/ referenceline x=0; entry halign=left "&Label1" / valign=bottom; entry halign=right "&Label2" / valign=bottom; endlayout; /*--Column # 2 contains the statistics data--*/ layout overlay / &StatWallDisplay border=false x2axisopts=(display=(tickvalues &border) displaysecondary=(line)) yaxisopts=(linearopts=(tickvaluesequence=(start=1 end=&count increment=1)) offsetmin=&pct2 offsetmax=&pct display=none &DisplaySecondary.); /*--Draw alternating bands using referenceline--*/ %if &Bands eq YES %then %do; referenceline y=_StudyRef / lineattrs=(thickness=&RefThickness.PCT) datatransparency=0.9; %end; /*--Draw standard statistics columns--*/ %if &DisplayCols eq YES or &DisplayCols eq Y %then %do; scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_OddsRatioLabel / markercharacter=&OddsRatio xaxis=x2; scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_LowerLabel / markercharacter=&LCL xaxis=x2; scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_UpperLabel / markercharacter=&UCL xaxis=x2; %if &Weight ne %then %do; scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_WeightLabel / markercharacter=_wt xaxis=x2; %end; %end; /*--Draw additional statistics columns--*/ %if %length(&StatCol1) ne 0 %then %do; scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_StatColLabel1 / markercharacter=&StatCol1 xaxis=x2; %end; %if %length(&StatCol2) ne 0 %then %do; scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_StatColLabel2 / markercharacter=&StatCol2 xaxis=x2; %end; %if %length(&StatCol3) ne 0 %then %do; scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_StatColLabel3 / markercharacter=&StatCol3 xaxis=x2; %end; %if %length(&StatCol4) ne 0 %then %do; scatterplot y=studyvalue x=_StatColLabel4 / markercharacter=&StatCol4 xaxis=x2; %end; endlayout; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data=_forest template=ForestMacro description='Forest Plot'; run; %finished: title; FootNote; %mend ForestMacro;
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